Tuesday, August 30, 2016



One world was one of the best memorable moments in my life.My phone ranged at 11 pm on one worlds eve,I was wondering who it will be?

Ah! IT was the HOD of my department and called me to the department.My pals were all there by the time i reached there.Oh! yeah! Rashi pengoria accompanied me.

As we were all gathered,we were asked to shift all the stuff to the stalls for showcasing,were its gonna start at 8 in the next morning.Everything is too heavy which measures more than 15-20 kgs. Cold added the struggle. I remember it was 12 c. Somehow, by hook or crook,we shifted  everything.
A random click at the night

Weather is decreasing minute by minute."Ah!Its damn cold"this is the feeling running in everyone;s mind and rearranging all the stuff at that time is not a piece of cake.

As it was cold we went in search of coffee to the hospital,as its the only place in university where beverages can be found at midnight also,but bad luck the kiosk was closed.but our HOD asked his wood bee to make coffee and got it for us.

We shared coffee and heated ourselves in the camera lights which we putted there to showcases.Everything went well with lots and loads of fun with pals,everyone went to rooms at 6 am and returned to stalls at 9 am with drowsy faces. LOL.

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