Wednesday, September 14, 2016


AH! It's a journey which began on the wee hours of the day, I remember it was July 31, 2015. The announcement grabbed our attention"Tin Tin Tin-For the kind attention of passengers, train no 12625 from Trivendrum Central to New Delhi via Vijayawada, Nagpur, Bhopal ,Jhansi, Agra Cant will arrive shortly on platform no 4." we were standing there drinking our morning tea, yeah! i forgot, we means me, my mother and uncle. I was excited as the train is coming and I'm going to Delhi for the first time. There came a mob from my neighbour hood to bid me goodbye and i shed a tear but it was not of sadness, There goes the horn of the train and it's leaving the station and my mind to some weird thoughts.

We are done with the breakfast and going through some new places which i have never seen before. As it is a train there comes some un-invited guests like taboos, tricksters and beggars as it is common in India and we satisfied their needs. The train is going at 90 kmph, i can feel the air from my window welcoming me, we had our lumpsome of home made food & shared with co passengers.

Suddenly i can feel some difference in the weather and the places, "OH!" we entered to northern part of India and i bid farewell to my land.The train passed through valleys,mountains, rivers,deserts, plains, and we witnessed different Flora and Fauna including Peacock, deer, bucks, which i only saw in ZOO before, that made me smile.Rain added the beauty to our journey, the dry state Rajasthan was witnessing rain in front of me.The vehicles were moving beside us in their respective lanes which i can notice from my window.
 I was Damn excited as Agra was a hour more to go, but bad luck we can't witness the beauty of the Tajmahal, one of the seven wonders. The train is departing the station & i was literally "Damn man, i missed it" our journey was about to end, its an hour more journey, we packed our stuff and bid goodbyes to our newly made friends whom we can't meet in future.The train reached New Delhi finally.
Its a journey filled with excitement,tiredness, fun, and a way of knowing the other part of our country and making new friends and knowing about their cultures, customs, norms. 

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                       RANDOM CLICKS

Here are some random clicks which I clicked, though i'm not a professional in photography but with some basic rules I did it.
Ah! the lift in the hostel was not working, so i took staircase and the sun stricked my camera . 

Yes, India gate, but with a bit side view.

 As LPU organises Art festivals, these are exposed there i got into my camera's sight.

Morning sun wishing Krishna in my home.

It's my coffee beans collection since my 10th grade and added a spot light to it and snapped it.

Though it's not Niagara but for the residents of my hometown it is a in summer.

My sister, me and mom went to a hotel and the fishes welcomed us by it's cute smiles.

 Both my pals made me complete my assignment.
 Little bit creative though weird.
 A grand view of the Uni mall.

Minute maid, want one, you can get in WH smith.

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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

 He is our first superhero of life and he is the role model for every children".
He is a guide, supporter, wellwisher, teacher, helper, responsible guardian and a  best friend too like so many.

Yes, Father. he is a
                       Guide: Giving guide lines to their children to make a right decision. 
                       Supporter: He supports his children at anything despite the situation.
                       Well-wisher:  Every father is a good well-wisher of his children.
                        Teacher: He is  a teacher and teaches us to be  in a good manner.
                         Helper: He is the only person who helps us  at any situation in our life, he's  always                                               ready to give his hands for 
                        Guardian: He is the  best guard who could get in this entire world.
He is like a tortoise which bears the whole burden. He is there forever his family and loves a lot , he is.the only one who's there encouraging in everything and  supporters always, he is there for u no matter, how hard situation

He is the breadwinner  to any  family and go to any extreme work despite neglecting his own health and interests. He just only thinks and & efforts to make their future a better one.

Here we all know that  coconut outer layer & shell  are so hard but inner layer contains pulp & sweet water. Father is just like it looks so hard from out but inside he is like the white pulp which signifies purity, love & fond of us unconditionally, sweet water symbolizes pleasantness, soft and sweeter like his heart.

His intention is never to blame us but to keep us in a right way and want us to be a noble person and want our lives to be delightful and grateful.

 He will be always ready to afford to do offer anything for his sweeter ones though if he cannot but does and never  expect anything in returns.
Both the parents love is un expressible but loves us throughout their heart.

                           "Dad is so simple man we have even known and we are proud to call him"

                                                        "Dad loves us a lot, Love you too Dad"

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Saturday, September 10, 2016

                                Greatness of Mother


No words to describe a mother, but I'm trying to put my thoughts in my words to describe her.
                             "HEAVEN LIES BENEATH THE FEET OF MOTHER"

She carries us in her womb for nine months,where holding a bag for five minutes is a tough task for us, imagine how she did it?

She barred the extreme pain in the world ever of giving birth to us. Her happiness knows no bounds when she sees and touches her baby for the first time."I won the whole world", it is the feeling of a lady when she becomes a mother.

A mother's love is deeper than the ocean. Her love is selfless and purer than anything in the world.  She accepts her child how she/he no matters a black, Physically- Handicapped or mentally challenged.

 Her lips are the first to kiss our cheeks.She is the one who sings lullabies for us to sleep.Her nature is so forgiving that even our feet kick her breast, although she breastfeeds us when we are hungry. She is her first teacher starting from our first step. Our first word is Mother.

She wakes up at wee hours to prepares our food. she waits, the toughest job for her when we return home to her.She scolds us as she wants us to be the best. She loves us throughout  her life and after also. she is the best friend, who we can't find in this whole universe.

She cries when we fall and laughs when we become a noble. she is always there to support us when the whole world shows it's back on us. She is a role model and a person whom should be inspired by everyone in this world.

She doesn't want costly jewels, a good life, which is nothing before her love. she always wants us to be happy, her happiness lies in our happiness.

She is like a tree, which always gives everything to others, but seeks nothing from others in return. Why can't we be the water droplets to her, by giving our selfless love in return ? she is a candle, who melts to give light in out lives. she is like an eraser , which looses it's life  just to erase our mistakes.

She does all the housework all by herself but never expresses her sorrow with anyone. Is it not mandatory to leave all the housework to her? why  can't we just give her a break from her routine and let's try it once?

Have you ever thought to tell  I LOVE YOU  to your mother ? where you don't hesitate to tell your girlfriend/boyfriend , a thousand might think, do I ever did that? Yes, my love is also true which is only for her, but to no one else.

No need to show the world that you love your mother or not, but let her know at least. Most of them think that mother is just a ladder to reach certain heights, but failed to notice that she is the life and destiny.
 Why Mother's day on one day? if we have selfless and pure love towards her, every day is a Mother's day.What happens to us? as we grow older, we fell that she is a burden on our life and we leave her in old age homes.
I'm not worried about going to hell. which exists or not ! but I can't even imagine my life without her.That's the biggest hell.

I don't know God exists or not, up to me she is God and greater than that.

                                        LOVE YOU MOTHER

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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

                                                                 A JOURNEY
Education is what brings the students under one umbrella,including me. I was in a dilema whether to stay at home or move out and make money!I followed my heart despite parents words and I chose Lovely professional university(Punjab) which is the largest university in India.
OMG! Lovely Professional University! A 600 acre campus,a world class university, can I survive there? This was running in my mind and "Yes", why can't I?
So there began a journey of a typical south Indian to a place where I never has  been, place where i have heard a lot of stuff about.
I shed a tear, but it wasn't one of sadness, but with a new hope, new responsibility and promised my parents that I'll come out with flying colors.
I'm at LPU, the main gate view shook my head, though it was not so big but the grandness, my tired journey might made me feel so.
I fell in love with the infrastructure, the gardens, the flowering plants, the buildings, everything made me feel good, the teachers, classmates from different countries and their varied customs. I should mention I got a world class exposure in the university and a chance to excel in my life, so there continues the journey........

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