Tuesday, September 13, 2016

 He is our first superhero of life and he is the role model for every children".
He is a guide, supporter, wellwisher, teacher, helper, responsible guardian and a  best friend too like so many.

Yes, Father. he is a
                       Guide: Giving guide lines to their children to make a right decision. 
                       Supporter: He supports his children at anything despite the situation.
                       Well-wisher:  Every father is a good well-wisher of his children.
                        Teacher: He is  a teacher and teaches us to be  in a good manner.
                         Helper: He is the only person who helps us  at any situation in our life, he's  always                                               ready to give his hands for 
                        Guardian: He is the  best guard who could get in this entire world.
He is like a tortoise which bears the whole burden. He is there forever his family and loves a lot , he is.the only one who's there encouraging in everything and  supporters always, he is there for u no matter, how hard situation

He is the breadwinner  to any  family and go to any extreme work despite neglecting his own health and interests. He just only thinks and & efforts to make their future a better one.

Here we all know that  coconut outer layer & shell  are so hard but inner layer contains pulp & sweet water. Father is just like it looks so hard from out but inside he is like the white pulp which signifies purity, love & fond of us unconditionally, sweet water symbolizes pleasantness, soft and sweeter like his heart.

His intention is never to blame us but to keep us in a right way and want us to be a noble person and want our lives to be delightful and grateful.

 He will be always ready to afford to do offer anything for his sweeter ones though if he cannot but does and never  expect anything in returns.
Both the parents love is un expressible but loves us throughout their heart.

                           "Dad is so simple man we have even known and we are proud to call him"

                                                        "Dad loves us a lot, Love you too Dad"

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