Saturday, September 10, 2016

                                Greatness of Mother


No words to describe a mother, but I'm trying to put my thoughts in my words to describe her.
                             "HEAVEN LIES BENEATH THE FEET OF MOTHER"

She carries us in her womb for nine months,where holding a bag for five minutes is a tough task for us, imagine how she did it?

She barred the extreme pain in the world ever of giving birth to us. Her happiness knows no bounds when she sees and touches her baby for the first time."I won the whole world", it is the feeling of a lady when she becomes a mother.

A mother's love is deeper than the ocean. Her love is selfless and purer than anything in the world.  She accepts her child how she/he no matters a black, Physically- Handicapped or mentally challenged.

 Her lips are the first to kiss our cheeks.She is the one who sings lullabies for us to sleep.Her nature is so forgiving that even our feet kick her breast, although she breastfeeds us when we are hungry. She is her first teacher starting from our first step. Our first word is Mother.

She wakes up at wee hours to prepares our food. she waits, the toughest job for her when we return home to her.She scolds us as she wants us to be the best. She loves us throughout  her life and after also. she is the best friend, who we can't find in this whole universe.

She cries when we fall and laughs when we become a noble. she is always there to support us when the whole world shows it's back on us. She is a role model and a person whom should be inspired by everyone in this world.

She doesn't want costly jewels, a good life, which is nothing before her love. she always wants us to be happy, her happiness lies in our happiness.

She is like a tree, which always gives everything to others, but seeks nothing from others in return. Why can't we be the water droplets to her, by giving our selfless love in return ? she is a candle, who melts to give light in out lives. she is like an eraser , which looses it's life  just to erase our mistakes.

She does all the housework all by herself but never expresses her sorrow with anyone. Is it not mandatory to leave all the housework to her? why  can't we just give her a break from her routine and let's try it once?

Have you ever thought to tell  I LOVE YOU  to your mother ? where you don't hesitate to tell your girlfriend/boyfriend , a thousand might think, do I ever did that? Yes, my love is also true which is only for her, but to no one else.

No need to show the world that you love your mother or not, but let her know at least. Most of them think that mother is just a ladder to reach certain heights, but failed to notice that she is the life and destiny.
 Why Mother's day on one day? if we have selfless and pure love towards her, every day is a Mother's day.What happens to us? as we grow older, we fell that she is a burden on our life and we leave her in old age homes.
I'm not worried about going to hell. which exists or not ! but I can't even imagine my life without her.That's the biggest hell.

I don't know God exists or not, up to me she is God and greater than that.

                                        LOVE YOU MOTHER

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