Wednesday, September 14, 2016


AH! It's a journey which began on the wee hours of the day, I remember it was July 31, 2015. The announcement grabbed our attention"Tin Tin Tin-For the kind attention of passengers, train no 12625 from Trivendrum Central to New Delhi via Vijayawada, Nagpur, Bhopal ,Jhansi, Agra Cant will arrive shortly on platform no 4." we were standing there drinking our morning tea, yeah! i forgot, we means me, my mother and uncle. I was excited as the train is coming and I'm going to Delhi for the first time. There came a mob from my neighbour hood to bid me goodbye and i shed a tear but it was not of sadness, There goes the horn of the train and it's leaving the station and my mind to some weird thoughts.

We are done with the breakfast and going through some new places which i have never seen before. As it is a train there comes some un-invited guests like taboos, tricksters and beggars as it is common in India and we satisfied their needs. The train is going at 90 kmph, i can feel the air from my window welcoming me, we had our lumpsome of home made food & shared with co passengers.

Suddenly i can feel some difference in the weather and the places, "OH!" we entered to northern part of India and i bid farewell to my land.The train passed through valleys,mountains, rivers,deserts, plains, and we witnessed different Flora and Fauna including Peacock, deer, bucks, which i only saw in ZOO before, that made me smile.Rain added the beauty to our journey, the dry state Rajasthan was witnessing rain in front of me.The vehicles were moving beside us in their respective lanes which i can notice from my window.
 I was Damn excited as Agra was a hour more to go, but bad luck we can't witness the beauty of the Tajmahal, one of the seven wonders. The train is departing the station & i was literally "Damn man, i missed it" our journey was about to end, its an hour more journey, we packed our stuff and bid goodbyes to our newly made friends whom we can't meet in future.The train reached New Delhi finally.
Its a journey filled with excitement,tiredness, fun, and a way of knowing the other part of our country and making new friends and knowing about their cultures, customs, norms. 

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